When starting my business, I didn’t think in great depth about how I would market it or whether I had a niche or even a pricing structure. From the early days, I kept on hearing the words niche and ideal client. I started to have a disliking for those words as I felt like, as a Virtual Assistant, that I could work with any industry and undertake various types of admin tasks. If I wasn’t familiar or confident with a piece of software, I would be honest but say that I was happy to try it out.
Something changed this week; it has been a busy week with several prospective clients. I was happy as this year my business has been growing but there was something that didn’t feel right with the work to be completed for a couple of those prospective clients. I then took time to reflect long and hard and decided to turn them down.
This week I remembered that this is my business and I have to remind myself to think about the reasons of why I started it. One reason I started my business was to work around my family and their needs. Another reason was to utilise my skills whilst doing something that I enjoy.
By taking on those clients, I would have been going against those exact reasons. They required me to work specific hours and do something that I would not feel comfortable doing. Saying no was a game-changer for me, it has reminded me of my purpose and reminded me that this is my business, and I have to do what works for me. When I realised that we weren’t compatible, it was only fair to let them know, as they were kindly willing to give me an opportunity.
When it came to pricing, I knew how much the average VA charged and I used that as a guide for my hourly rate. I then decided to include packages for social media support. However, I have realised that each client is different and the time a piece of work can take will vary, therefore I now no longer advertise a set package price as it will depend on each client and their bespoke requirements.
By challenging myself, I feel refreshed and excited. I know what direction I want to go in and I now know that I can say no without feeling bad. It will not only be better for me but also for my clients. I am currently working with some amazing clients, and I love the industries that they are in. Maybe I was being selective, without even realising it?!
Have you forgotten your ‘why’? Do you say yes to any business that comes your way? Are you happy doing that? If yes, then that is great if it is something that works for you. If no, can you change anything? What can you change and how easy would it be to do so?
Don’t forget that it is your business, and you need to be confident and happy about it. It is ok to make changes in your business. Don’t forget your purpose and your ‘why’.